A couple weeks ago I got to run in the Central Florida Legends Half Marathon. It was not a race I knew I would be running until less than 48 hours before. A new friend of mine had signed up and then realized she wasn't able to run, so she asked if I would like her bib transfer. All I had to do was show up at packet pick up with her. What a whirlwind it all turned out to be.
I am currently training for a half marathon in January and had only been actually training for two weeks. It had not been that long since I had done the Soaring Wings Half Marathon but definitely long enough that I was worried about the jump in distance. Up to this point my training only had me at 8 miles. I knew I could do the 13 miles, but I was pretty sure it would not be pretty. I set some goals and went into it with very little expectation and assumed that I would be walking quite a bit in the last half.
Good Goal- Finish with a 10:30-10:45 pace
Great Goal- Finish in under 2:15
Amazing Goal- Stick with the 2:05 pacer
I was very surprised at how well organized everything was on race morning. Because it was the first year for this race I kind of figured there would be quite a few hiccups. From the moment we entered the site of the race, Gemini Springs Park, everything was very easy. We followed the single lane road from the entrance of the park around to where parking was (near the park exit) and then it was a short walk back to the start/finish line in a small field where there were also a few vendors set up. I met up with some ladies from my MRTT group for a picture and then we went our own ways to seed our selves at the start line. The start was a little late but nothing major. Really, the only thing that I hope would be fixed for next year would be the placement of the pacers. All of the pacers were close together. There was no definitive areas for each pace or even a way for more than a few people to fit in between where they would want to be. When the race began this made it a bit difficult to figure out where to be in the congestion of all the runners.
The first half to one mile of any race I've done is usually congested so I expected that. The course at the beginning was also on packed dirt, which I was not expecting. It had rained the night before so it was a little bit muddy, but no big deal. We got onto the paved trail and things opened up a little bit. Enough that because I felt like I could be moving a little faster I was able to slowly pass a couple groups and found myself settling in pretty comfortably slightly behind the 2:05 group. I figured a time would come when I'd not be able to hold this place, but if that came I'd move to the side and slow or walk as needed, but at this point I felt pretty good. For the first few miles that continued. I knew from the start the humidity would be an issue. Especially when I was already dripping sweat in the first mile and the sweat was changing songs through my earbuds!
Almost all of this race was on the trail with the exception of a mile or two in a neighborhood near a lake. It was a beautiful course!
Beginning around 4 1/2 or 5 miles I was on an out and back section of the course. It was really neat because of where I was in the pack of runners, on my way out I was able to watch the lead runner pass by me on his way back. For the next five or so miles of out and back I was almost constantly passing someone going in the opposite direction for the race. I truly believe it was this section that kept me going. The way runners were encouraging each other on both sides was amazing. I was tired and starting to ache a little bit. I knew I could make it at least a couple more miles before I walked. I had walked a few steps through a couple water stops to refill my water bottle, but nothing more and at the 10 mile stop I decided to top off my bottle one more time but could not find the trashcan (and when I did I accidentally threw away my energy gel in addition to the cup :( ) and that is where I fell a good bit behind the 2:05 pacer. I could see her far off in the distance but I knew I could not possibly catch back up. I was not at all disappointed. I had already made it further and at a much faster pace than I had expected. For the next 3 miles my only goal was to see the finish line. I kept waiting for the point to come where I would need to walk but it never came. I did slow down and I could hear my mileage updates through the race tracking app that I had for my friends and family to track me.
Beginning around 4 1/2 or 5 miles I was on an out and back section of the course. It was really neat because of where I was in the pack of runners, on my way out I was able to watch the lead runner pass by me on his way back. For the next five or so miles of out and back I was almost constantly passing someone going in the opposite direction for the race. I truly believe it was this section that kept me going. The way runners were encouraging each other on both sides was amazing. I was tired and starting to ache a little bit. I knew I could make it at least a couple more miles before I walked. I had walked a few steps through a couple water stops to refill my water bottle, but nothing more and at the 10 mile stop I decided to top off my bottle one more time but could not find the trashcan (and when I did I accidentally threw away my energy gel in addition to the cup :( ) and that is where I fell a good bit behind the 2:05 pacer. I could see her far off in the distance but I knew I could not possibly catch back up. I was not at all disappointed. I had already made it further and at a much faster pace than I had expected. For the next 3 miles my only goal was to see the finish line. I kept waiting for the point to come where I would need to walk but it never came. I did slow down and I could hear my mileage updates through the race tracking app that I had for my friends and family to track me.
As a side note, this tracking app was so neat! The distance was a little bit off, but the important part was that friends and family could fairly closely track my progress and see my time and splits but the best part was that they were able to send “cheers“ along the way. There were so many options. At every mile I would get a "woohoo" or even two. And off and on throughout the race I would get other fun cheers or song clips and even a couple personalized messages that the app would read to me. That was another thing that really kept me going throughout the race!! I wish every race would use an app like this!
In the last 3 miles I leapfrogged with two other runners that were doing intervals. I held steady and they would pass me running a faster pace but then they would do their walking interval and I would pass them. This continued until pretty much the very end. At one point I felt like we could all use a little encouragement since we weren’t on the out and back section anymore. So hopefully loud enough that they could hear me through their music I told them "we’ve got this!" and gave them a little wave. With about half a mile to go we turned off of the trail onto a sidewalk that goes through the park, and at this point I was beyond ready to be done. Everything hurt so bad. At just about 13 miles I saw my mother and father-in-law on the side. They were in town for an early Thanksgiving visit and it made me so happy that they wanted to come to the race. They have followed mine and Scott's races but have never been to one before. It was very special for them to be there.
The last turn took me off of the sidewalk and back onto dirt and grass to the finish line. I had a small finish line kick but it was kind of difficult because of the unevenness of the ground. I finished as strong as I felt possible and heard Scott calling my name. I got my water and my medal and then all but collapsed on the fence in front of Scott. Not really. :) It was not that bad but I wanted to let my jello legs melt down to the ground for sure.
I didn't find out until later but the race pictures were free! They were provided by the Live Your Life Well Series. I only found two of my pictures and they were terrible. Even my best friend says so. lol I don't care because I know I was working hard, but I'm a tiny bummed that they were free and I don't want to print them. It's all about the pictures right? :oP
After the finish line I found the post race goodies (breakfast burritos, rice and beans, and... COOKIES!) and found a nice place to stretch.
This is one race I would like to do each year for sure. A beautiful course, a smaller running field than I'm used to, awesome post race food, and free pictures? I’m pretty much sold! haha
And now, back to my regularly scheduled training... Next up the Shark Bite Half Marathon!
And now, back to my regularly scheduled training... Next up the Shark Bite Half Marathon!
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