Sunday, October 26, 2014

Running for a Legacy

I participated in the 4th annual Micah Rine Wildcat Legacy run 5k this year. It's been a couple weeks, but I have not had a chance to sit down and write about it. This 5k is local which is nice. I loved being part of this legacy run. I've never done this one before, but my good friend Jessie was going to be in town and she decided since the 5k happened to fall during her visit, it was a good 5k to make her first. It was a rainy Saturday morning. Enough so, that the start got pushed back by about 30 minutes. I was excited for Jessie, and thrilled that she asked me to be a part of her first race. There was a very quiet and laid back feel through out the course. I had worked this 3 miles into the rest of my long training run for the day. It ended up being a nice break between the 3 I did on my way to the course, and the hard 6 I did afterwards. Selfishly I'm glad I had the time alone with Jessie. When she makes her quick trips to Searcy our visits are very short (because she's so popular ;) ). So to have uninterrupted time with her was nice. We enjoyed our walk/run together and before we knew it we were about done. My favorite part of the morning was seeing Jessie push herself and run to the finish line and then see her beaming smile afterwards. I look forward to seeing her PR next year... :)

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